Thursday, 1 May 2014


After about a hundred hours of pre-work and pre-assignment research, I am finally leaving for Kenya today.  Its been a bit of journey getting here but I'm sure it will be worth it.  I'm flying via Zurich this evening - about 24 full hours of travel.  In coach.  Hooray.  I love coach.  MMM...not. 

I arrived at Pearson to find that Air Canada gave my confirmed seat away. That's always nice. And now I have a middle seat at the back of the bus.  

1 suitcase for the Jacaranda school. 52 lbs. 1 suitcase for me. 65 lbs. several dollars lighter but it will be worth getting the clothes and school supplies to the school.   Thank you to everyone who donated. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe they gave your seat away and you had to sit in the middle for 24!
